Stanley Part 4 - Strangers


The night had grown colder and the ground had hardened with a frosty ice layer which crunched beneath Elizabeth Whyte’s feet. Across the moorland, the moon cast an eerie shadow as Elizabeth tightened the belt of her cherry red wool coat and was surprised to find herself feeling reassured by the figure of Grispheran who was standing with Hughie, close by.

The barguest howled and ran off into the distance. Elizabeth shook her head gently, her long blond hair flecked with freshly fallen snowflakes. “So much for magic stones,” she laughed softly. “Now what do we do?”

“It worked, Lass.” Hughie announced patiently as if speaking to a child. “We’re on t’other side.”

“We are?” Elizabeth asked incredulously. “Why does it look exactly the same?”

“Same place, different time,” answered Grispheran.

“What’s happened to the others?” Elizabeth asked perplexed. She pulled up the collar of her coat as she spoke and fastened the top button with her black leather clad fingers.

Both Hughie and Elizabeth looked to Grispheran for an answer to her question. He shrugged nonchalantly.

The crunching of ice beneath feet brought all their attention to a female figure hurriedly scrambling over the moor towards them. Elizabeth recognised Gemma’s auburn hair and features.

What on earth is she wearing?

“It’s not Gemma,” Hughie said, changing his outward appearance to match the apparel Grispheran had adopted.

“What do you mean it’s not Gemma? I’d recognise her anywhere!” replied an exasperated Elizabeth.


Fear overcame Gracie as she noticed the trio of strangers standing by the Heyleigh Stones. She did not know whether to run to or from them. She thought about reaching for the magic pearl again and decided to leave it safely in her pocket. She would only take it out if she needed to use it, and next time she did, she would do it intentionally, and not cock it up like the last three times!

She needed to get help and fast. Heaven only knew what those men were intending to do with Bunny. She needed to get him freed and then get them both home safely before something else horrible happened again. Taking a deep breath, she approached the woman. She reminded Gracie of an angel.


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  • At 27 May 2010 at 22:09, Blogger Miladysa said…

    Only a short one this week. I might post the next one early if there is enough demand for it.

  • At 28 May 2010 at 08:22, Blogger Charles Gramlich said…

    Nice and tight. The characters continue to be intriguing.

  • At 30 May 2010 at 14:51, Anonymous Miladysa said…

    Thanks Charles :)

  • At 12 July 2010 at 18:30, Anonymous Melissa said…

    Oo!! I love this!! And I'm so glad that I have a bunch more to catch up on ... hee hee ... that means I don't have to wait. :D My favorite part was when Gispheran says, "Same place, different time." and how Gracie/Gemma (?!) thinks Bess looks like an angel. :)

  • At 17 July 2010 at 15:50, Anonymous Melissa said…

    The interwebs ate my comment -- harumph! LOL I love this so much ... I have missed reading RoYds -- since the girls got out of school for summer vacation I haven't had much time to spend here at my favorite escape blog. So glad to be back -- and that there is much to catch up on, so I can keep reading! My favorite line is from Grispheran ("Same place ... different time ..." shiver ...) And Gemma?! Love that she thinks Bess looks like an angel ... what fun!


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by Miladysa

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Whituth's living can't see the dead but psychic Elizabeth Whyte can see everyone: living humans, delayed souls, fallen angels, vampires and fae. She helps maintain the fragile peace between light and darkness in her work with RoYds, an unworldly refuge. But that peace has suddenly become fragile. Whituth's carefully maintained balance is tipping toward darkness. Now Elizabeth and her angelic allies must discover who or what is threatening both town and refuge before balance is lost forever


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