Billy Part 25 - Dark Shadows


Hughie waited in the courtyard of Staibey Nayes. He watched from the encroaching darkness as the workmen switched off the lights inside the building they were working in and made their way home. The smallest of the three buildings, although still dimly lit, was surrounded by such darkness that Hughie was reluctant to get any closer.

He had seen the two men -- the ones Elizabeth had asked him to keep his an eye on -- enter the building earlier. He needed to discover what the mysterious object was that they had in their possession. Hughie gathered all his courage together and entered the building.

The dark shadows completely filled the barren interior, hissing as Hughie passed by. Several flew through him, screeching horribly. Their continued screaming echoed within him, as if some of their particles had somehow lodged themselves within his presence. He pushed on. He wasn’t going to let Elizabeth or the Living down; they needed him.

After what seemed like hours, Hughie broke through the darkness into the room where Davie Blade and Linus Howell were located. Both men were whispering excitedly, encouraged furiously, unbeknown to them, by the dark shadows. Hughie watched as they peered into a small metal urn on the workbench before them.

Valiantly, Hughie continued past the screeching gargoyles and moved into the centre of the room to take a look over the hunched shoulders of the two men. He didn’t know what to expect, but he was genuinely surprised to discover that all the fuss was over a simple pebble. Then something clicked and he remembered exactly what it was he was looking at!


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  • At 30 March 2010 at 14:17, Anonymous Melissa said…

    What? What's he looking at! :D Suspense! I love this: "Several flew through him, screeching horribly. Their continued screaming echoed within him, as if some of their particles had somehow lodged themselves within his presence. He pushed on." I could feel it myself. And I love the idea of the dark shadows encouraging Davie and Linus -- goes right along with what Hughie was telling Peg in the prior scene. Well done!


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Whituth's living can't see the dead but psychic Elizabeth Whyte can see everyone: living humans, delayed souls, fallen angels, vampires and fae. She helps maintain the fragile peace between light and darkness in her work with RoYds, an unworldly refuge. But that peace has suddenly become fragile. Whituth's carefully maintained balance is tipping toward darkness. Now Elizabeth and her angelic allies must discover who or what is threatening both town and refuge before balance is lost forever


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